Harmony Arts, LLC Terms of Service and Use of Virtual Harmony Grid

Terms of Service and Use of Virtual Harmony Site, Simulations, Services and Grid

1.    While using Virtual Harmony, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to enjoy the site, simulations, services, and 3D grid. To this end you may not defraud, harass, threaten, impersonate, give unwanted attention or cause distress to other users. Virtual Harmony reserves the absolute right to define the foregoing terms, and determine whether such prohibitions have been violated.

2.    You may not transmit or post any content, imagery or language which, in the sole and absolute discretion of Virtual Harmony, is deemed to be offensive, including without limitation content or language that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, nor may you use a misspelling, or an alternative spelling to circumvent intent of this section, the content and language restrictions listed above.

3.    While in Virtual Harmony, you may not spam or flood the chat system, profile comments, user emails, or forums with repetitive text, images or obscene language.

4.    You may not use the chat system, AI tools, profile comments, user emails, or forums to advertise or promote external websites or companies.

5.    You may not use information gathered on Virtual Harmony to spam other Virtual Harmony users with offers of goods or services.

6.    You may not impersonate any employee or representative of Virtual Harmony (Harmony Arts).

7.    You may not violate any local, state, national, or international laws or regulations.

8.    You must follow the instructions of any Virtual Harmony Estate Steward or representative while using Virtual Harmony.

9.    You may not misrepresent your age in any way. The minimum required age for Virtual Harmony avatar accounts is 18.

10.    You may not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Site.

11.    You may not attempt to exploit or reproduce any bug in the Site and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug to other users, instead immediately reporting any bug to Virtual Harmony.

12.    You may not release any real-life information about any other users or any Virtual Harmony Estate Steward or representatives. Any release of your own user information is done so at your own risk.

13.    You may not create duplicate threads about the same topic on the forums. This includes threads about other threads that were closed by a forum administrator.

14.    You may not create posts or threads concerning disciplinary action taken against any user of the community, including chat logs, personal messages, or emails between that user and the Virtual Harmony Estate Steward.

15.    You may not falsely report users for things they have not done. We do consider this a form of harassment.

16.    You may not post private conversations between yourself and any other Virtual Harmony user, Estate Steward, or Virtual Harmony representative. These include in world “tells”, profile communications or any other forms of communication within Virtual Harmony. You may not post these on the Forums, on your profile page or upload them as media.

17.    You may not access the Site for purposes of conducting research or competitive analysis, such as, but not limited to estimating the size of the Site or its populations, or conducting demographic research, social experiments, benchmarking, feature performance and/or comparisons without the prior written consent of Virtual Harmony;

18.    If you meet others in the Site and end up doing business with them, those interactions are between you and them; Virtual Harmony is in no way responsible for such interactions or the terms or conditions related to such transactions.

19. Users agree that they shall have attained their 18th birthday prior to using the Site.

20. You may not ask other users for personal or account information. Trying to scam people or phish for passwords will result in an automatic banning of your account.

Transfer or Trading of Accounts or Virtual Harmony Goods

Virtual Harmony does not recognize the transfer of accounts between users, or prospective users. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade your account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade your account. If you try to trade or assign accounts, Virtual Harmony will not recognize your account and may terminate it. To the extent you try to sell, transfer, or gift Virtual Harmony goods outside of the Site, Virtual Harmony will not recognize such transfers. You cannot sell any Virtual Harmony goods or services from the Site in the real world.

Personal Spaces

Virtual Harmony may allow you to create your own Personal Space within the Virtual Harmony 3D grids which you may decorate with Virtual Harmony furniture and use to entertain your friends. While you can create your own Personal Space, please understand that if you create and hang out in a Personal Space that you still have to follow the rules in the Terms of Use. This means that if you break the rules of Virtual Harmony, even in your Personal Space, Virtual Harmony can still take any and all actions against you, including suspending or terminating your account.

Expectations and Monitoring

A.    Content.

To allow for the free flow exchange of ideas, data, conversations, documents, text, audio, video, audio-video works, materials or information (collectively content) are not routinely reviewed before being posted on or within the Site. As a result, Virtual Harmony has no control over any content posted on or within the Site and makes no representations or claims regarding the quality, reliability or accuracy of such content. Virtual Harmony takes no responsibility or liability for any content posted on or within the Site.

B.    Virtual Harmony Estate Stewards Etiquette (Asking for Passwords or Personal Information).

In the Site, Virtual Harmony Estate Stewards or agents will NEVER ask you for personal information, including passwords for your Virtual Harmony accounts. If someone purporting to be a representative of Virtual Harmony asks you for personal information or your passwords, whether that be in e-mail or in the Site, you should immediately report such behavior to Virtual Harmony.

C.    Limits.

You acknowledge and agree that Virtual Harmony may establish limits concerning use of the Site, including, but not limited to, the maximum number of days that content will be retained by Virtual Harmony, the maximum number and size of postings, the maximum number of days an account will be saved that is inactive, email messages, or other content that may be transmitted or stored by Virtual Harmony, and where, how, and how often you may access Virtual Harmony. You agree that Virtual Harmony has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any content maintained or transmitted by Virtual Harmony. You acknowledge that Virtual Harmony reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Site (or any part thereof) with or without notice, and that Virtual Harmony Parties shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of its any of its products and services.

D.    Investigations, Suspension and/or Revocation of Privileges and Removal of Content

In order to ensure that Virtual Harmony is able to provide a Site that is responsive to user needs, Virtual Harmony Estate Stewards may need to access your account and records on a case by case basis to investigate complaints or other allegations or abuse. Virtual Harmony shall not disclose the existence or occurrence of such an investigation unless required by law.

You understand that your participation in the Site is a privilege, not a right. You understand that Virtual Harmony, may immediately and without notice, in its sole discretion, suspend, delete or deactivate your account (temporarily or permanently), block your e-mail address or IP address or terminate access to all or part of the Site. Virtual Harmony may further remove any content from the Site for any reason.

Virtual Harmony also reserves the right to terminate your account if we learn or have reason to believe that you have provided us with false or misleading registration information, interfered with other users or the Site, or violated these Terms of Use.