AI Bibliography

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Displaying 101 - 200 of 350

DIANE Publishing [1]  DIANE Publishing Company [1]  Dover Publications [3]  Drexel University [1]  Duke University Press [2]  EasyChair [1]  Ecco [1]  Ecstadelic Media Group [1]  Edinburgh University Press [1]  Edward Elgar Publishing [1]  Elsevier Science [20]  Emerald Publishing Limited [4]  Encounter Books [1]  European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management [1]  Exisle Publishing [1]  Farrar, Straus and Giroux [2]  Fast Future Publishing Limited [1]  FOURTH ESTATE Limited [1]  Free Press [1]  Frontiers Media SA [2]  General Service Schools Press [1]  George Mason University Fairfax [1]  Georgetown University Press [4]  Government Printing Office [1]  Grand Central Publishing [1]  Gravely Naval Research Group, Naval War College [1]  Greenhaven Publishing LLC [1]  Hachette Books [1]  Harper [1]  Harper Business [1]  Harper Perennial [2]  HarperCollins Publishers [1]  Harvard Business Review [1]  Harvard Business Review Press [6]  Harvard University [1]  Harvard University Press [6]  Henry Holt and Company [4]  History of Wargaming Project [2]  HMH Books [2]  Hodder & Stoughton [1]  HOUGHTON MIFFLIN [1]  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt [1]  Humensis [1]  IAP [1]  Icon Books Limited [1]  IEEE [1]  IGI Global [4]  Independently Published [20]  Information Age Publishing, Incorporated [1]  Information Science Reference [2]  IntechOpen [1]  iUniverse [1]  John Wiley & Sons [4]  John Wiley & Sons Incorporated [1]  Kassel University Press [1]  King's College London [1]  KLEIN ASSOCIATES INC FAIRBORN OH [1]  Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group [3]  LATTICEWORK PUBLISHING IN [1]  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates [1]  Lerner Publishing Group [1]  Lightning Press [1]  Little, Brown [6]  Little, Brown Book Group [1]  LULU Press [2] [5]  Lynne Rienner Publishers [1]  Macmillan [1]  Manchester University Press [2]  Mango Media [1]  Manning Publications [2]  Manning Publications Company [1]  Marine Corps University Press [2]  Marshall Cavendish International [1]  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences [1]  McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers [1]  McGraw-Hill [1]  McGraw-Hill Education [1]  MDPI AG [2]  Mercury Learning & Information [1]  Meson Press, Hybrid Publishing Lab, Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana Univeristy of L"uneburg [1]  Military Studies Press [1]  MIT Press [33]  MIT Technology Review [1]  MITRE CORP MCLEAN VA MCLEAN [1]  Morgan & Claypool Publishers [2]  National Academies Press [16]  National Defense University Press [1]  National Defense University Washington United States [1]  National Security Commission on Artificial Intellegence [1]  National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce [1]  NATO Defense College. [1]  Naval Institute Press [2]  NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA MONTEREY United States [1]  Naval Postgraduate School Monterey United States [1]  Naval War College [1]  Naval War College Newport United States [1]  Naval War College Press [1]  NECSI, Knowledge Press [1]  Neocortex Ventures [1]

1 - 100  |  101 - 200  |  201 - 300  |  301 - 350
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)