AI Bibliography

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Displaying 201 - 300 of 350

New Prairie Press [1]  Nomad Press [1]  NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIV GREENSBORO ARMY CENTER~… [1]  North Star Editions [1]  Northcentral University [1]  Northeastern University Press [1]  Notion Press [1]  Nova Science Publishers [1]  Nova Science Publishers Incorporated [1]  Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated [2]  Now Publishers [1]  O'Reilly Media [4]  Observer Research Foundation [1]  OECD Publishing [1]  Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Washington DC Command and~… [1]  Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics [1]  Open Road Media [1]  Orion Publishing Group [1]  OUP Oxford [4]  OUP USA [2]  Oxford University Press [17]  Oxford University Press London [1]  Oxford University Press Oxford, UK [1]  Oxford University Press, Incorporated [2]  Oxford University Press, USA [1]  Packt Publishing [9]  Palgrave Macmillan Limited [1]  Palgrave Macmillan UK [3]  Palgrave Macmillan US [1]  Pearson Education [2]  Pegasus Books [1]  Pelican Publishing [1]  Penguin Books [3]  Penguin Books Limited [1]  Penguin Books, Limited [1]  Penguin Press [1]  Penguin Publishing Group [11]  Perseus Books [1]  Peter Lang [1]  PKCS Media, Incorporated [1]  Potomac Books [1]  Potomac Books, Incorporated [1]  Praeger [3]  Pragmatic Bookshelf [1]  Prentice Hall [2]  Prentice Hall/PTR [1]  Prentice-hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ [1]  Presidio Press [1]  Princeton University Press [8]  Prometheus Books, Publishers [2]  Psychology Press [1]  PublicAffairs [4]  Quercus [1]  Raintree Publishers [2]  Rand [4]  RAND Corporation [1]  RAND Corporation (Santa Monica, CA) [3]  RAND Corporation Santa Monica [2]  RAND Corporation Santa Monica United States [3]  RAND National Defense Research Institute Santa Monica United States [1]  RAND Project Air Force [1]  RAND PROJECT AIR FORCE SANTA MONICA CA SANTA MONICA United States [2]  Random house [1]  Random House Publishing Group [3], Limited [1]  Regnery Publishing [1]  River Publishers [3]  Rosen YA [1]  RosettaBooks [1]  Routledge [4]  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group [1]  Rowman & Littlefield International [1]  Rutgers University Press [1]  S. Karger AG [1]  SAE International Technical Report 2015-36-0050 [1]  SAGE Publications [5]  Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States) [1]  scientific advisory board (air force) washington dc [1]  Scribner [1]  Self Publisher [1]  Simon & Schuster [1]  SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT [1]  Skyhorse [1]  Smithsonian [1]  Smithsonian Institution [1]  SparkCognition Press [1]  Springer [4]  Springer Berlin Heidelberg [13]  Springer India [1]  Springer International Publishing [77]  Springer London [4]  Springer Nature [1]  Springer Netherlands [8]  Springer New York [4]  Springer Science & Business Media [1]  Springer Singapore [16]  Springer US [6]  SPRINGER VERLAG, SINGAPOR [1]  Springer, Cham [2]  Stanford University Press [1]

1 - 100  |  101 - 200  |  201 - 300  |  301 - 350
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)