AI Bibliography

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ZHAI, P., ZHANG, L., DONG, Z., WAN, S., GUO, Y., & GAN, Z., et al.. (2020). Machine intuition. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 50(10), 1475.  
18/10/2021, 13:46
Zhang, Y., Arts, P. I. M., & Technology), S. (. I. O. (2017). Citymatrix: An urban decision support system augmented by artificial intelligence. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences.  
11/06/2020, 02:48
Zhang, B., & Dafoe, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence: American attitudes and trends. Available at SSRN 3312874.  
30/06/2020, 08:51
Zhang, Y., Guangya, S., & Wang, Y. (2020). Modelling and simulation of cognitive electronic attack under the condition of system of systems combat. Defence Science Journal, 70(2), 183.  
19/10/2020, 14:08
Zhang, H., He, Y., Li, D., Gu, F., Li, Q., & Zhang, M., et al.. (2020). Marine uav--usv marsupial platform: System and recovery technic verification. Applied Sciences, 10(5), 1583.  
11/08/2022, 10:09
Zhang, X., Jameel, A. S. M. M., Mohamed, A. P., & Gamal, A. E. (2020). Deep learning for frame error prediction using a darpa spectrum collaboration challenge (sc2) dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.01446.  
04/02/2021, 10:36
Zhang, J., & Letaief, K. B. (2019). Mobile edge intelligence and computing for the internet of vehicles. Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(2), 246–261.  
12/08/2020, 09:49
Zhang, Q., Lu, J., & Jin, Y. (2021). Artificial intelligence in recommender systems. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7, 439–457.  
30/03/2023, 14:02
Zhang, Y., Sun, S., Galley, M., Chen, Y.-C., Brockett, C., & Gao, X., et al.. (2019). Dialogpt: Large-scale generative pre-training for conversational response generation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.00536.  
06/10/2020, 13:13
Zhang, S., Tan, H., Chen, L., & Lv, B. (2020). Enhanced text matching based on semantic transformation. IEEE Access, 8, 30897–30904.  
18/01/2022, 13:31
Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Lu, S., Liu, L., Shi, W., & others. 2019, Openei: An open framework for edge intelligence. Paper presented at 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).  
12/08/2020, 09:57
Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Zeadally, S., Chao, H.-C., & Leung, V. C. (2019). Masm: A multiple-algorithm service model for energy-delay optimization in edge artificial intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(7), 4216–4224.  
12/08/2020, 09:05
Zhao, Y. (2015). National space law in china: An overview of the current situation and outlook for the future. Brill.  
22/06/2020, 13:11
Zhao, Y. (2017). Deep models and artificial intelligence for military applications: Potentials, theories, practices, tools and risks. Naval Postgraduate School.  
29/06/2020, 15:49
Zhao, Y., Hemberg, E., Derbinsky, N., Mata, G., & O’Reilly, U.-M. (2021). Simulating a logistics enterprise using an asymmetrical wargame simulation with soar reinforcement learning and coevolutionary algorithms. Association for Computing Machinery.  
14/06/2021, 11:30
Zheng, N.-N., Liu, Z.-Y., Ren, P.-J., Ma, Y.-Q., Chen, S.-T., & Yu, S.-Y., et al.. (2017). Hybrid-augmented intelligence: Collaboration and cognition. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 18(2), 153–179.  
24/09/2020, 11:03
Zhi-min, Z., Fei-fei, S., Yue-liang, W., Yang, X., Fan, Z., & Huan-sheng, N. (2020). Application progress of artificial intelligence in military confrontation. 工程科学学报, 42(9), 1106–1118.  
22/03/2022, 14:17
Zhou, Z., Chen, X., Li, E., Zeng, L., Luo, K., & Zhang, J. (2019). Edge intelligence: Paving the last mile of artificial intelligence with edge computing. Proceedings of the IEEE, 107(8), 1738–1762.  
12/08/2020, 09:20
Zhou, T., Shen, J., Li, X., Wang, C., & Shen, J. (2018). Quantum cryptography for the future internet and the security analysis. Security and Communication Networks, 2018.  
12/07/2021, 09:04
Zhu, G., Liu, D., Du, Y., You, C., Zhang, J., & Huang, K. (2020). Toward an intelligent edge: Wireless communication meets machine learning. IEEE Communications Magazine, 58(1), 19–25.  
12/08/2020, 09:31
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WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)