AI Bibliography

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Abaimov, S., & Martellini, M. (2020). Cyber arms: Security in cyberspace. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.  
10/06/2020, 21:59
Abbass, H. A. (2019). Social integration of artificial intelligence: Functions, automation allocation logic and human-autonomy trust. Cognitive Computation, 11(2), 159–171.  
21/06/2021, 11:26
Abbass, H. A., Scholz, J., & Reid, D. J. (2018). Foundations of trusted autonomy. Springer International Publishing.  
12/06/2020, 12:04
Abbeel, P., Coates, A., Quigley, M., & Ng, A. (2006). An application of reinforcement learning to aerobatic helicopter flight. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 19.  
19/02/2024, 15:11
Abdel-Basset, M., Gamal, A., Moustafa, N., Abdel-Monem, A., & El-Saber, N. (2021). A security-by-design decision-making model for risk management in autonomous vehicles. IEEE Access, 9, 107657–107679.  
14/06/2023, 18:25
Abderhalden, N. (2022). risk hindered decision making: how the dod’s faulty understanding of risk jeopardizes its strategy. The Strategy Bridge.  
29/05/2022, 09:05
Abell, T. (2020). Artificial intelligence ethics and debates. North Star Editions.  
10/06/2020, 17:04
Aberdeen, D., Thi'ebaux, S., Zhang, L., & others. 2004, Decision-theoretic military operations planning.. Paper presented at ICAPS.  
30/06/2020, 09:40
Abiteboul, S., Dowek, G., & Nelson, K. R. (2020). The age of algorithms. Cambridge University Press.  
11/06/2020, 03:03
Acton, J. M. (2018). Escalation through entanglement: How the vulnerability of command-and-control systems raises the risks of an inadvertent nuclear war. International Security, 43(1), 56–99.  
23/11/2021, 13:56
Adadi, A., & Berrada, M. (2018). Peeking inside the black-box: A survey on explainable artificial intelligence (xai). IEEE Access, 6, 52138–52160.  
29/06/2020, 16:09
Addo, A., Centhala, S., & Shanmugam, M. (2020). Artificial intelligence design and solution for risk and security. Business Expert Press.  
10/06/2020, 16:56
Agadakos, I., Agadakos, N., Polakis, J., & Amer, M. R. 2020, Chameleons' oblivion: Complex-valued deep neural networks for protocol-agnostic rf device fingerprinting. Paper presented at 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P).  
04/10/2021, 16:22
Agarwal, R. K. (2018). Advances in some hypersonic vehicles technologies. IntechOpen.  
11/06/2020, 01:36
Agency, D. I. (2019). Challenges to security in space. Independently Published.  
22/06/2020, 13:16
Aggarwal, A., Chauhan, A., Kumar, D., Mittal, M., & Verma, S. (2020). Classification of fake news by fine-tuning deep bidirectional transformers based language model. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems Online First; EAI: Ghent, Belgium.  
28/10/2020, 13:54
Aghajan, H., Augusto, J. C., & Delgado, R. L. C. (2009). Human-centric interfaces for ambient intelligence. Elsevier Science.  
11/06/2020, 02:47
Ahirwar, K. (2019). Generative adversarial networks projects: Build next-generation generative models using tensorflow and keras. Packt Publishing.  
24/06/2020, 14:50
Ahlqvist, C. O., & Ahlgren, M. 2022. Analog computer prototyping for the future.  
18/05/2023, 20:54
Ahmed, S., & Bajema, N. 2019. Artificial intelligence, china, russia, and the global order Technological, political, global, and creative perspectives. Air University Press. 158566295X.  
01/07/2020, 12:25
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WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)