AI Bibliography

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Alt, C., H"ubner, M., & Hennig, L. (2019). Fine-tuning pre-trained transformer language models to distantly supervised relation extraction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.08646.  
10/6/20, 1:17 PM
Altraide, D. (2019). Cold fusion presents: New thinking: from einstein to artificial intelligence, the science and technology that transformed our world. Mango Media.  
6/25/20, 9:34 AM
Altshuler, Y., Pentland, A., & Bruckstein, A. M. (2017). Swarms and network intelligence in search. Springer International Publishing.  
6/22/20, 11:59 AM
Ameisen, E. (2020). Building machine learning powered applications: Going from idea to product. O'Reilly Media.  
6/11/20, 9:30 AM
America, S. O. T. U. S. O., Commission, U. S. C. S. R., & Government, U. S. (2019). China's advanced weapons: Comprehensive analysis of military and space technologies, hypersonic, maneuverable re-entry vehicle, directed energy, electromagnetic-powered, and high energy lasers. Independently Published.  
6/25/20, 9:46 AM
American, E. S. (2002). Understanding artificial intelligence. Grand Central Publishing.  
6/10/20, 4:38 PM
Amir, O. (2017). Intelligent information sharing to support loosely-coupled teamwork. Unpublished PhD thesis.  
9/14/21, 4:12 PM
Amir, O., Grosz, B. J., Gajos, K. Z., & Gultchin, L. (2019). Personalized change awareness: Reducing information overload in loosely-coupled teamwork. Artificial Intelligence, 275, 204–233.  
9/14/21, 4:04 PM
Amoroso, D., Frank, S., Noel, S., Lucy, S., & Guglielmo, T. (2018). Autonomy in weapon systems: The military application of artificial intelligence as a litmus test for germany’s new foreign and security policy. Autonomy in Weapon Systems.  
7/2/20, 11:33 AM
Anantrasirichai, N., & Bull, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence in the creative industries: A review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 1–68.  
3/17/23, 8:13 PM
Anderljung, M., Barnhart, J., Leung, J., Korinek, A., O'Keefe, C., & Whittlestone, J., et al.. (2023). Frontier ai regulation: Managing emerging risks to public safety. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.03718.  
10/23/23, 5:28 PM
Anderson, D. A., & Karambelas, H. R. (2015). Through the joint, interagency, and multinational lens Perspectives on the operational environment. US Army Command and General Staff College Press.  
6/12/20, 10:58 AM
Andrade, R. O., Yoo, S. G., Ortiz-Garces, I., & Barriga, J. (2022). Security risk analysis in iot systems through factor identification over iot devices. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 2976.  
6/14/23, 9:22 PM
Angle, D. W. (1998). Air force and army digitization and the joint targeting process for time-critical targets ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLL FORT LEAVENWORTH KS SCHOOL OF ADVANCED~….  
12/15/20, 10:03 AM
Antal, J. F. (1990). Combat orders: An analysis of the tactical orders process ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLL FORT LEAVENWORTH KS.  
10/12/21, 10:12 AM
Aoun, J. E. (2017). Robot-proof: Higher education in the age of artificial intelligence. MIT Press.  
6/30/20, 9:23 AM
Appleget, J., Kline, J., & Burks, R. (2020). Revamping wargaming education for the us department of defense. Naval Postgraduate School.  
9/26/22, 10:56 AM
Arabshahi, F., Lee, J., Gawarecki, M., Mazaitis, K., Azaria, A., & Mitchell, T. (2020). Conversational neuro-symbolic commonsense reasoning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.10022.  
11/26/20, 2:54 AM
Arai, K., Bhatia, R., & Kapoor, S. (2018). Proceedings of the future technologies conference (ftc) 2018: Volume 2. Springer International Publishing.  
6/11/20, 10:06 AM
Araya, D. (2018). Augmented intelligence: Smart systems and the future of work and learning. Peter Lang.  
6/11/20, 2:27 AM
1 - 20  |  21 - 40  |  41 - 60  |  61 - 80  |  81 - 100  |  101 - 120  |  121 - 140  |  141 - 160  |  161 - 180  |  181 - 200  |  . . .  |  End
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)