AI Bibliography

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Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Board, D. S. (2019). 2018 defense science board task force on survivable logistics - joint logistics enterprise (jlent) threats from strategic competitors russia and china, protecting and modernizing the mobility triad. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 22:17
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Ehn, E. (2018). Artificial intelligence (ai): The bumpy path through defense acquisition - the construction of systems which act rationally, behave humanly, and adapt, dod essentials of mobility and algorithms. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 19:35
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Government, U. S. (2019). 2019 defense department report on american industrial capabilities - u. s. position in global defense markets, manufacturing base problems, new technology, aircraft, space, hypersonics, cyber, missiles. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 22:19
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Government, U. S. (2019). Assessment on u. s. defense implications of china's expanding global access - one belt, one road and digital silk road infrastructure, military access and engagement, media and influence operations. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 21:57
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Grooms, G. (2019). Artificial intelligence (ai) applications for automated battle management aids (abma) in future military endeavors - tactical decision making, battlespace knowledge and awareness, prioritize resources. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 19:14
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Long, D. T. (2018). Interactive wargaming cyberwar: 2025 - support tool for training of basic cyberspace operations concepts to military professionals, building player's knowledge base and experience. Independently Published.  
11/06/2020, 02:09
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Pritchard, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence (ai) and operational art: The element of grip - lack of american deliberate theory of ai, proposed new element explains fundamental relationship between ai and humans. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 19:27
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Sattler, C. (2019). Aviation artificial intelligence: How will it fare in the multi-domain environment? unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) and drones, piloted aircraft risks, autonomous aircraft benefits, human - ai teaming. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 22:15
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Schuety, C. (2019). The american way of swarm: A machine learning strategy for training autonomous systems - uav and uuv drone attack force combat decentralized execution with artificial intelligence (ai). Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Print Us.  
22/06/2020, 11:55
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & Trsek, R. (2019). Cutting the cord: Target discrimination (td) and command responsibility (cr) in autonomous lethal weapons - iranian flight 655, turing test and role of artificial intelligence, human and machine error. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 22:26
Military, U. S., Defense, D., & White, S. (2019). Futures seminar: The united states army in 2025 and beyond - compendium of u. s. army war college papers, volume 2 - 23 topics including grand strategy, electromagnetic spectrum, drones, training. Independently Published.  
10/06/2020, 22:26
Press, A. U., Military, U. S., Defense, D., News, W. S., Spires, D. N., & Bradley, G. W., et al.. (2017). Beyond horizons: A half century of air force space leadership, history of military space programs, sputnik through the age of apollo and the gulf war, operational capability and vision. Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Print Us.  
22/06/2020, 13:23
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)