AI Bibliography

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Gil, Y., Garijo, D., Khider, D., Knoblock, C. A., Ratnakar, V., & Osorio, M., et al.. (2021). Artificial intelligence for modeling complex systems: Taming the complexity of expert models to improve decision making. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 11(2), 1–49.  
13/06/2022, 12:45
Gil, Y., & Selman, B. (2019). A 20-year community roadmap for artificial intelligence research in the us. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.02624.  
01/09/2020, 14:40
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)