AI Bibliography

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Ali-Tolppa, J., Kocsis, S., Schultz, B., Bodrog, L., & Kajo, M. 2018, Self-healing and resilience in future 5g cognitive autonomous networks. Paper presented at 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K).  
07/09/2021, 09:03
Alkire, B., Hanser, L. M., & Lingel, S. L. (2018). A wargame method for assessing risk and resilience of military command-and-control organizations. Rand.  
22/11/2021, 14:35
Alkire, B., LINGEL, S., Baxter, C., Carson, C. M., Chen, C., & Gordon, D., et al.. (2018). Command and control of joint air operations in the pacific: Methods for comparing and contrasting alternative concepts RAND PROJECT AIR FORCE SANTA MONICA CA SANTA MONICA United States.  
22/11/2021, 14:30
Andrade, R. O., Yoo, S. G., Ortiz-Garces, I., & Barriga, J. (2022). Security risk analysis in iot systems through factor identification over iot devices. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 2976.  
14/06/2023, 21:22
Baker, S., & Xiang, W. (2023). Artificial intelligence of things for smarter healthcare: A survey of advancements, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.  
11/07/2023, 14:30
Banafa, A. (2019). Secure and smart internet of things (iot): Using blockchain and ai. River Publishers.  
25/06/2020, 09:54
Bertino, E., Calo, S., Toma, M., Verma, D., Williams, C., & Rivera, B. 2017, A cognitive policy framework for next-generation distributed federated systems: Concepts and research directions. Paper presented at 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).  
12/06/2023, 18:16
Cao, B., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Feng, D., & Cao, W. (2019). Intelligent offloading in multi-access edge computing: A state-of-the-art review and framework. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(3), 56–62.  
18/11/2020, 13:20
Dai, H.-N., Wang, H., Xu, G., Wan, J., & Imran, M. (2020). Big data analytics for manufacturing internet of things: Opportunities, challenges and enabling technologies. Enterprise Information Systems, 14(9-10), 1279–1303.  
08/02/2023, 09:58
Deng, S., Zhao, H., Fang, W., Yin, J., Dustdar, S., & Zomaya, A. Y. (2020). Edge intelligence: The confluence of edge computing and artificial intelligence. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.  
12/08/2020, 09:34
Deptula, D. A. (2014). A new era for command and control of aerospace operations AIR UNIV MAXWELL AFB AL AIR FORCE RESEARCH INST.  
22/11/2021, 14:21
Enoch, S. Y., Hong, J. B., Ge, M., Khan, K. M., & Kim, D. S. 2019, Multi-objective security hardening optimisation for dynamic networks. Paper presented at ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).  
06/08/2020, 10:11
Ezziyyani, M. (2019). Advanced intelligent systems for sustainable development (ai2sd’2018): Volume 5: advanced intelligent systems for computing sciences. Springer International Publishing.  
25/06/2020, 11:00
Gesing, B., Peterson, S. J., & Michelsen, D. (2018). Artificial intelligence in logistics. A collaborative report by DHL and IBM on implications and use cases for the logistics industry. Troisdorf: DHL Customer Solutions & Innovation.  
04/10/2021, 10:58
Gia, T. N., Nawaz, A., Querata, J. P. N., Tenhunen, H., & Westerlund, T. 2019, Artificial intelligence at the edge in the blockchain of things. Paper presented at International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare.  
12/08/2020, 09:42
Guevara, J. C., Torres, R. D. S., & da Fonseca, N. L. (2020). On the classification of fog computing applications: A machine learning perspective. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 102596.  
08/12/2020, 09:07
Haigh, K., & Andrusenko, J. (2021). Cognitive electronic warfare: An artificial intelligence approach. Artech House.  
03/01/2022, 12:41
Hoehm, J. R., Gallagher, J. C., & Sayler, K. M. (2020). Overview of department of defense use of the electromagnetic spectrum Congressional Research Service Washington United States.  
27/09/2021, 12:20
Hwang, K. (2017). Cloud computing for machine learning and cognitive applications. MIT Press.  
01/03/2021, 13:57
Katz, B. (2020). The intelligence edge. Center for Strategic & International Studies.  
16/02/2021, 15:53
1 - 20  |  21 - 40  |  41 - 54
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