AI Bibliography

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Barbaroux, P. (2019). Disruptive technology and defence innovation ecosystems. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 21:48
Bernardo, J. M., & Smith, A. F. M. (2009). Bayesian theory. Wiley.  
24/06/2020, 13:06
Blackford, R., & Broderick, D. (2014). Intelligence unbound: The future of uploaded and machine minds. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 19:51
Chen, Z., Haykin, S., Eggermont, J. J., & Becker, S. (2008). Correlative learning: A basis for brain and adaptive systems. Wiley.  
25/06/2020, 10:24
Chishti, S., Bartoletti, I., Leslie, A., & Millie, S. M. (2020). The ai book: The artificial intelligence handbook for investors, entrepreneurs and fintech visionaries. Wiley.  
25/06/2020, 10:25
Collins, H. (2018). Artifictional intelligence: Against humanity's surrender to computers. Wiley.  
25/06/2020, 10:36
Cook, G., & Zhang, F. (2020). Mobile robots: Navigation, control and sensing, surface robots and auvs. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 21:06
Gazzaniga, M. S. (1991). Cognitive neuroscience: A reader. Wiley.  
11/06/2020, 10:10
Gray, C. S. (2015). The future of strategy. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 19:41
Grimes, R. A. (2019). Cryptography apocalypse: Preparing for the day when quantum computing breaks today's crypto. Wiley.  
11/06/2020, 01:49
Hurwitz, J. S., Kaufman, M., & Bowles, A. (2015). Cognitive computing and big data analytics. Wiley.  
11/06/2020, 02:49
Hussain, C. M. (2020). The elsi handbook of nanotechnology: Risk, safety, elsi and commercialization. Wiley.  
25/06/2020, 11:32
Jayaweera, S. K. (2014). Signal processing for cognitive radios. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 21:53
Johnson, R. C., Colin, R. C., & Brown, C. (1988). Cognizers: Neural networks and machines that think. Wiley.  
11/06/2020, 10:18
Marr, B. (2020). Tech trends in practice: The 25 technologies that are driving the 4th industrial revolution. Wiley.  
12/06/2020, 12:01
Marr, B., & Ward, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence in practice: How 50 successful companies used ai and machine learning to solve problems. Wiley.  
26/06/2020, 09:52
Parnell, G. S., Driscoll, P. J., & Henderson, D. L. (2011). Decision making in systems engineering and management. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 21:32
Ritchhart, R., Church, M., & Morrison, K. (2011). Making thinking visible: How to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners. Wiley.  
12/06/2020, 20:28
Schwartz, H. M. (2014). Multi-agent machine learning: A reinforcement approach. Wiley.  
09/07/2020, 10:52
Shapiro, S. C. (1992). Encyclopedia of artificial intelligence. Wiley.  
10/06/2020, 16:28
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