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Kania, E. B., & Security, C. F. A. N. A. (2017). Battlefield singularity: Artificial intelligence, military revolution, and china's future military power. Center for a New American Security.  
10/06/2020, 18:29
Scharre, P., Horowitz, M. C., Work, R. O., & Security, C. F. A. N. A. (2018). Artificial intelligence: What every policymaker needs to know. Center for a New American Security.  
10/06/2020, 16:52
Scharre, P., & Security, C. F. A. N. A. (2014). Robotics on the battlefield: The coming swarm. Center for a New American Security (CNAS).  
22/06/2020, 12:53
Work, R. O., Brimley, S., & Security, C. F. A. N. A. (2014). 20yy: Preparing for war in the robotic age. Center for a New American Security.  
10/06/2020, 21:13
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)