AI Bibliography

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Abbass, H. A. (2019). Social integration of artificial intelligence: Functions, automation allocation logic and human-autonomy trust. Cognitive Computation, 11(2), 159–171.  
21/06/2021, 11:26
Abdel-Basset, M., Gamal, A., Moustafa, N., Abdel-Monem, A., & El-Saber, N. (2021). A security-by-design decision-making model for risk management in autonomous vehicles. IEEE Access, 9, 107657–107679.  
14/06/2023, 18:25
Aberdeen, D., Thi'ebaux, S., Zhang, L., & others. 2004, Decision-theoretic military operations planning.. Paper presented at ICAPS.  
30/06/2020, 09:40
Adadi, A., & Berrada, M. (2018). Peeking inside the black-box: A survey on explainable artificial intelligence (xai). IEEE Access, 6, 52138–52160.  
29/06/2020, 16:09
Agadakos, I., Agadakos, N., Polakis, J., & Amer, M. R. 2020, Chameleons' oblivion: Complex-valued deep neural networks for protocol-agnostic rf device fingerprinting. Paper presented at 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P).  
04/10/2021, 16:22
Ahlqvist, C. O., & Ahlgren, M. 2022. Analog computer prototyping for the future.  
18/05/2023, 20:54
Ahram, T., Karwowski, W., Vergnano, A., Leali, F., & Taiar, R. (2020). Intelligent human systems integration 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on intelligent human systems integration (ihsi 2020): integrating people and intelligent systems, february 19-21, 2020, modena, italy. Springer International Publishing.  
25/06/2020, 09:32
Alberts, D. S., & Hayes, R. E. (2003). Power to the edge: Command... control... in the information age Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Washington DC Command and~….  
22/02/2022, 10:00
Alkire, B., LINGEL, S., Baxter, C., Carson, C. M., Chen, C., & Gordon, D., et al.. (2018). Command and control of joint air operations in the pacific: Methods for comparing and contrasting alternative concepts RAND PROJECT AIR FORCE SANTA MONICA CA SANTA MONICA United States.  
22/11/2021, 14:30
America, S. O. T. U. S. O., Commission, U. S. C. S. R., & Government, U. S. (2019). China's advanced weapons: Comprehensive analysis of military and space technologies, hypersonic, maneuverable re-entry vehicle, directed energy, electromagnetic-powered, and high energy lasers. Independently Published.  
25/06/2020, 09:46
Amoroso, D., Frank, S., Noel, S., Lucy, S., & Guglielmo, T. (2018). Autonomy in weapon systems: The military application of artificial intelligence as a litmus test for germany’s new foreign and security policy. Autonomy in Weapon Systems.  
02/07/2020, 11:33
Anantrasirichai, N., & Bull, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence in the creative industries: A review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 1–68.  
17/03/2023, 20:13
Andrade, R. O., Yoo, S. G., Ortiz-Garces, I., & Barriga, J. (2022). Security risk analysis in iot systems through factor identification over iot devices. Applied Sciences, 12(6), 2976.  
14/06/2023, 21:22
Ars'enio, A., Serra, H., Francisco, R., Nabais, F., Andrade, J. A., & Serrano, E. (2014). Internet of intelligent things: Bringing artificial intelligence into things and communication networks. In Inter-cooperative collective intelligence: Techniques and applications (pp. 1–37). Springer.  
30/06/2020, 08:41
Ballard, D. H., Hayhoe, M. M., Pook, P. K., & Rao, R. P. (1997). Deictic codes for the embodiment of cognition. Behavioral and brain sciences, 20(4), 723–742.  
09/11/2023, 19:19
Balzarini, R., & Jambon, F. 2018, From map to sky: An empirical study on visual strategies of expert pilots. Paper presented at Eye Tracking for Spatial Research, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop.  
15/10/2020, 16:15
Baonan, W., Feng, H., Huanguo, Z., & Chao, W. (2019). From evolutionary cryptography to quantum artificial intelligent cryptography. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 56(10), 2112.  
12/07/2021, 09:45
Barton, M. (2021). The department of defense high performance computing modernization program. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 15485129211061743.  
11/12/2022, 12:53
Benton, J., Smith, D. E., Kaneshige, J., Keely, L., & Stucky, T. 2018, Chap-e: A plan execution assistant for pilots.. Paper presented at ICAPS.  
15/10/2020, 17:07
Bertino, E., Calo, S., Toma, M., Verma, D., Williams, C., & Rivera, B. 2017, A cognitive policy framework for next-generation distributed federated systems: Concepts and research directions. Paper presented at 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).  
12/06/2023, 18:16
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