AI Bibliography

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Abderhalden, N. (2022). risk hindered decision making: how the dod’s faulty understanding of risk jeopardizes its strategy. The Strategy Bridge.  
5/29/22, 9:05 AM
Aberdeen, D., Thi'ebaux, S., Zhang, L., & others. 2004, Decision-theoretic military operations planning.. Paper presented at ICAPS.  
6/30/20, 9:40 AM
Acton, J. M. (2018). Escalation through entanglement: How the vulnerability of command-and-control systems raises the risks of an inadvertent nuclear war. International Security, 43(1), 56–99.  
11/23/21, 1:56 PM
Ahmed, S., & Bajema, N. 2019. Artificial intelligence, china, russia, and the global order Technological, political, global, and creative perspectives. Air University Press. 158566295X.  
7/1/20, 12:25 PM
AKG"UL, A. (2015). Artificial intelligence military applications. Ankara {"U}niversitesi SBF Dergisi, 45(1).  
6/30/20, 9:12 AM
Albino, D. K., Friedman, K., Bar-Yam, Y., & Glenney IV, W. G. (2016). Military strategy in a complex world. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05670.  
1/7/22, 12:29 PM
Alkire, B., Hanser, L. M., & Lingel, S. L. (2018). A wargame method for assessing risk and resilience of military command-and-control organizations. Rand.  
11/22/21, 2:35 PM
Alkire, B., LINGEL, S., Baxter, C., Carson, C. M., Chen, C., & Gordon, D., et al.. (2018). Command and control of joint air operations in the pacific: Methods for comparing and contrasting alternative concepts RAND PROJECT AIR FORCE SANTA MONICA CA SANTA MONICA United States.  
11/22/21, 2:30 PM
Allen, G. C. (2019). Understanding china's ai strategy: Clues to chinese strategic thinking on artificial intelligence and national security. Center for a New American Security Washington, DC.  
6/29/20, 1:44 PM
America, S. O. T. U. S. O., Commission, U. S. C. S. R., & Government, U. S. (2019). China's advanced weapons: Comprehensive analysis of military and space technologies, hypersonic, maneuverable re-entry vehicle, directed energy, electromagnetic-powered, and high energy lasers. Independently Published.  
6/25/20, 9:46 AM
Amir, O., Grosz, B. J., Gajos, K. Z., & Gultchin, L. (2019). Personalized change awareness: Reducing information overload in loosely-coupled teamwork. Artificial Intelligence, 275, 204–233.  
9/14/21, 4:04 PM
Amoroso, D., Frank, S., Noel, S., Lucy, S., & Guglielmo, T. (2018). Autonomy in weapon systems: The military application of artificial intelligence as a litmus test for germany’s new foreign and security policy. Autonomy in Weapon Systems.  
7/2/20, 11:33 AM
Anderljung, M., Barnhart, J., Leung, J., Korinek, A., O'Keefe, C., & Whittlestone, J., et al.. (2023). Frontier ai regulation: Managing emerging risks to public safety. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.03718.  
10/23/23, 5:28 PM
Angle, D. W. (1998). Air force and army digitization and the joint targeting process for time-critical targets ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLL FORT LEAVENWORTH KS SCHOOL OF ADVANCED~….  
12/15/20, 10:03 AM
Ayoub, K., & Payne, K. (2016). Strategy in the age of artificial intelligence. Journal of strategic studies, 39(5-6), 793–819.  
6/29/20, 2:18 PM
Balck, W. (1922). Development of tactics--world war. General Service Schools Press.  
10/17/23, 8:16 PM
Baonan, W., Feng, H., Huanguo, Z., & Chao, W. (2019). From evolutionary cryptography to quantum artificial intelligent cryptography. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 56(10), 2112.  
7/12/21, 9:45 AM
Barton, M. (2021). The department of defense high performance computing modernization program. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 15485129211061743.  
12/11/22, 12:53 PM
Beckett, G. P. (2020). Leveraging artificial intelligence and automatic target recognition to accelerate deliberate targeting AIR WAR COLL MAXWELL AFB AL MAXWELL AFB United States.  
4/6/21, 12:23 PM
Benedikter, R., & Nowotny, V. (2013). China’s road ahead: Problems, questions, perspectives. Springer New York.  
6/29/20, 11:20 AM
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