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Barnard, H. (2018). Military schools and courses of instruction in the science and art of war in france, prussia, austria, russia, sweden, switzerland, sardinia, england, and the united states. Creative Media Partners, LLC.  
6/12/20, 10:54 AM
Bush, V., & Rese, U. S. O. S. (2018). Science, the endless frontier; a report to the president on a program for postwar scientific research. Creative Media Partners, LLC.  
6/12/20, 11:34 AM
Fuller, J. F. C. (2019). The reformation of war. Creative Media Partners, LLC.  
6/12/20, 11:21 AM
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)