AI Bibliography

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Abderhalden, N. (2022). risk hindered decision making: how the dod’s faulty understanding of risk jeopardizes its strategy. The Strategy Bridge.  
29/05/2022, 09:05
Acton, J. M. (2018). Escalation through entanglement: How the vulnerability of command-and-control systems raises the risks of an inadvertent nuclear war. International Security, 43(1), 56–99.  
23/11/2021, 13:56
Alberts, D. S., & Hayes, R. E. (2003). Power to the edge: Command... control... in the information age Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Washington DC Command and~….  
22/02/2022, 10:00
Albino, D. K., Friedman, K., Bar-Yam, Y., & Glenney IV, W. G. (2016). Military strategy in a complex world. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05670.  
07/01/2022, 12:29
Ali-Tolppa, J., Kocsis, S., Schultz, B., Bodrog, L., & Kajo, M. 2018, Self-healing and resilience in future 5g cognitive autonomous networks. Paper presented at 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K).  
07/09/2021, 09:03
Appleget, J., Kline, J., & Burks, R. (2020). Revamping wargaming education for the us department of defense. Naval Postgraduate School.  
26/09/2022, 10:56
Barile, S., Saviano, M., Di Nauta, P., Caputo, F., Lettieri, M., & others. 2019, A systems based interpretative framework for approaching exaptation and bricolage in decision making and value co-creation. Paper presented at The 10 years Naples Forum on Service. Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda.  
17/05/2023, 16:33
Betz, G., Hamann, M., Mchedlidze, T., & von Schmettow, S. (2019). Applying argumentation to structure and visualize multi-dimensional opinion spaces. Argument & Computation, 10(1), 23–40.  
26/09/2022, 19:07
Blasch, E., Schuck, T., & Gagne, O. B. (2021). Trusted entropy-based information maneuverability for ai information systems engineering. In Engineering Artificially Intelligent Systems (pp. 34–52). Springer.  
21/07/2022, 10:16
Botschen, T., Sorokin, D., & Gurevych, I. 2018, Frame-and entity-based knowledge for common-sense argumentative reasoning. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Argument Mining.  
26/09/2022, 19:12
Boyd, J. (1987). Destruction and creation. US Army Comand and General Staff College Leavenworth, WA.  
07/07/2022, 15:26
Boyd, J. (2018). A discourse on winning and losing. Air University Press Maxwell Air Force Base, AL.  
22/02/2022, 16:34
Bracken, P. (2006). Net assessment: A practical guide. The US Army War College Quarterly: Parameters, 36(1), 1.  
26/09/2022, 10:49
Brockmeier, J. (2009). Reaching for meaning: Human agency and the narrative imagination. Theory & Psychology, 19(2), 213–233.  
18/03/2024, 21:31
Broussard, M. (2018). Artificial unintelligence: How computers misunderstand the world. MIT Press.  
16/11/2022, 12:17
Browning, L., & Boud`es, T. (2005). The use of narrative to understand and respond to complexity: A comparative analysis of the cynefin and weickian models. E: CO, 7(3-4), 32–39.  
21/10/2022, 15:11
Campos, F. (2006). Decision making in uncertain situations: An extension to the mathematical theory of evidence. Universal Publishers.  
25/06/2020, 10:13
Cohen, E. A. (2005). The historical mind and military strategy. Orbis, 49(4), 575–588.  
26/09/2022, 11:02
Coker, C. (2013). War in an age of risk. John Wiley & Sons.  
08/09/2021, 08:34
Coleman, L., & Casselman, R. M. (2016). Optimizing decisions using knowledge risk strategy. Journal of Knowledge Management.  
29/05/2022, 09:09
1 - 20  |  21 - 40  |  41 - 60  |  61 - 80  |  81 - 100  |  101 - 120  |  121 - 132
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)