AI Bibliography

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Abderhalden, N. (2022). risk hindered decision making: how the dod’s faulty understanding of risk jeopardizes its strategy. The Strategy Bridge.  
29/05/2022, 09:05
Amir, O. (2017). Intelligent information sharing to support loosely-coupled teamwork. Unpublished PhD thesis.  
14/09/2021, 16:12
Amir, O., Grosz, B. J., Gajos, K. Z., & Gultchin, L. (2019). Personalized change awareness: Reducing information overload in loosely-coupled teamwork. Artificial Intelligence, 275, 204–233.  
14/09/2021, 16:04
Ars'enio, A., Serra, H., Francisco, R., Nabais, F., Andrade, J. A., & Serrano, E. (2014). Internet of intelligent things: Bringing artificial intelligence into things and communication networks. In Inter-cooperative collective intelligence: Techniques and applications (pp. 1–37). Springer.  
30/06/2020, 08:41
Baker, S., & Xiang, W. (2023). Artificial intelligence of things for smarter healthcare: A survey of advancements, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.  
11/07/2023, 14:30
Bentley, M. J. (2017). Enabling air force satellite ground system automation through software engineering AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH WRIGHT-PATTERSON~….  
08/07/2022, 09:46
Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., & Lassila, O. (2001). The semantic web. Scientific american, 284(5), 34–43.  
18/01/2022, 10:09
Betz, G., Hamann, M., Mchedlidze, T., & von Schmettow, S. (2019). Applying argumentation to structure and visualize multi-dimensional opinion spaces. Argument & Computation, 10(1), 23–40.  
26/09/2022, 19:07
Borgefalk, G., & de Leon, N. 2019, The ethics of persuasive technologies in pervasive industry platforms: The need for a robust management and governance framework. Paper presented at International Conference on Persuasive Technology.  
21/09/2020, 14:40
Botschen, T., Sorokin, D., & Gurevych, I. 2018, Frame-and entity-based knowledge for common-sense argumentative reasoning. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Argument Mining.  
26/09/2022, 19:12
Brester, C., Semenkin, E., & others. (2013). Development of adaptive genetic algorithms for neural network models multicriteria design. Вестник СибГАУ, (4), 99.  
06/08/2020, 09:41
Brynjolfsson, E., & Mitchell, T. (2017). What can machine learning do? workforce implications. Science, 358(6370), 1530–1534.  
16/11/2022, 15:54
Buneman, P., & Tan, W.-C. (2019). Data provenance: What next. ACM SIGMOD Record, 47(3), 5–16.  
06/12/2022, 10:23
Burton, J. W., Stein, M.-K., & Jensen, T. B. (2020). A systematic review of algorithm aversion in augmented decision making. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(2), 220–239.  
13/10/2020, 09:29
Carvalho, G., Cabral, B., Pereira, V., & Bernardino, J. (2020). Computation offloading in edge computing environments using artificial intelligence techniques. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 95, 103840.  
12/08/2020, 09:55
Cayirci, E., AlNaimi, R., AlNabet, S. S. H., AlAli, S. A., & AlHajri, S. M. 2022, Experimenting with the mosaic warfare concept. Paper presented at 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC).  
09/11/2023, 20:52
Cerrato, P., & Halamka, J. (2020). Reinventing clinical decision support: Data analytics, artificial intelligence, and diagnostic reasoning. Taylor & Francis.  
15/10/2020, 16:48
Chatzimparmpas, A., Martins, R. M., Jusufi, I., Kucher, K., Rossi, F., & Kerren, A. 2020, The state of the art in enhancing trust in machine learning models with the use of visualizations. Paper presented at Computer Graphics Forum.  
15/11/2022, 13:29
Claverie, B. 2022. What is cognition? and how to make it one of the ways of the war?. NATO Collaboration Support Office.  
17/11/2023, 15:07
Coleman, L., & Casselman, R. M. (2016). Optimizing decisions using knowledge risk strategy. Journal of Knowledge Management.  
29/05/2022, 09:09
1 - 20  |  21 - 40  |  41 - 60  |  61 - 80  |  81 - 100  |  101 - 120  |  121 - 125
WIKINDX 6.7.0 | Total resources: 1621 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)