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Pritchard, M. D. (2019). Artificial intelligence and operational art: The element of grip US Army School for Advanced Military Studies Fort Leavenworth United States. 
Resource type: Report/Documentation
BibTeX citation key: Pritchard2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, Decision making, Edge AI, Human factors engineering, Human intelligence, Military research, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Strategy
Creators: Pritchard
Publisher: US Army School for Advanced Military Studies Fort Leavenworth United States
The United States lacks a deliberate theory of artificial intelligence AI warfare. This contributes to the lack of discussion of the implications of AI at the operational level of war. AI is typically defined using a technological lens devoid of implications for operational art. The proposed new element of operational art grip, explains the fundamental relationship between AI and humans across two spectrums autonomy and role-exchange. Grip sets the foundation for a theory of AI warfare that proposes a hypothesis for actions, in addition to revealing the necessity for altering mission command theory. The development of AirLand Battle and the resulting formal emergence of the operational level of war and operational art is a historically similar case of how key assumptions influence battlefield visualization. Removing the assumption of human in the loop AI warfare reveals a new element of operational art is required to arrange forces in time, space, purpose, in addition the Army mission command theory needs to adjust to enable a commander to move between forms of grip.
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