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Lara, F., & Deckers, J. (2020). Artificial intelligence as a socratic assistant for moral enhancement. Neuroethics, 13(3), 275–287. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Lara2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Biological Science, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Ethics, General, Philosophy
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Decision making, Human decisionmaking, Human learning, Machine intelligence, Machine learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Synthetic intelligence
Creators: Deckers, Lara
Collection: Neuroethics
The moral enhancement of human beings is a constant theme in the history of humanity. Today, faced with the threats of a new, globalised world, concern over this matter is more pressing. For this reason, the use of biotechnology to make human beings more moral has been considered. However, this approach is dangerous and very controversial. The purpose of this article is to argue that the use of another new technology, AI, would be preferable to achieve this goal. Whilst several proposals have been made on how to use AI for moral enhancement, we present an alternative that we argue to be superior to other proposals that have been developed.
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