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Katz, B. (2020). The intelligence edge. Center for Strategic & International Studies. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Katz2020a
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, General
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Big data, Cloud computing, Decision making, Deep learning, Human decisionmaking, Machine intelligence, Machine learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction
Creators: Katz
Collection: Center for Strategic & International Studies

Maintaining a competitive advantage in strategic intel- ligence over increasingly sophisticated rivals and ad- versaries will be a critical component of ensuring and advancing U.S. national security interests in the coming decades. Central to success in the intelligence realm will be the adoption and assimilation of emerging technologies into the way intelligence is collected, analyzed, and deliv- ered to decisionmakers. If intelligence is about providing timely, relevant, and accurate insight into foreign actors to provide U.S. leaders an advantage in formulating policy, then many new technologies hold the potential to unlock deeper and wider data-driven insights and deliver them at greater speed, scale, and specificity for consumers. These same technologies, however, will also transform the intel- ligence capabilities of rivals such as China and Russia and could disrupt the very fundamentals of U.S. intelligence.In competition with such rivals, emerging technologies and their application to intelligence missions will be a primary and critical battlefield. The CSIS Technology and Intelligence Task Force has embarked on a year-long study to understand how tech- nologies such as such as artificial intelligence(AI)I1and its subset, machine learningII2(ML), cloud computing, and advanced sensors, among others, can empower intelli- gence and the performance of the intelligence community (IC). The task force will explore how emerging technolo- gies can be applied and integrated into the IC’s day-to-day operations and how the IC must adapt to maintain their intelligence edge.

This CSIS Brief provides a strategic framework for the task force’s efforts. It begins with a snapshot of the potential opportunities emerging technologies present across the in- telligence cycle, to be explored in greater depth during the project year. It then outlines the risks and challenges such technologies will pose to the IC. The brief concludes by presenting the core intelligence questions that will drive the task force’s inquiry. The focus of this framing brief and the CSIS task force is strategic intelligence, that is, nation- al-level intelligence intended for senior-level policymakers and national security officials.

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