AI Bibliography

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Schmidt, E., Work, B., Catz, S., Chien, S., Darby, C., & Ford, K., et al.. (2021). National security commission on artificial intelligence (ai) National Security Commission on Artificial Intellegence. 
Resource type: Report/Documentation
BibTeX citation key: Schmidt2021
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: 5G, Advanced wargaming, Autonomous systems, Command and control, Cross-domain deterrence, Cyber, Doctrine, Drones, Edge AI, JADC2, Machine learning, Military research, Mosaic warfare, Networked forces, Robotics, Strategy, United States
Creators: Catz, Chien, Darby, Ford, Griffiths, Horvitz, Jassy, Mark, others, Schmidt, Work
Publisher: National Security Commission on Artificial Intellegence
We are at the beginning of the beginning of this new era of competition. We now know the uses of AI in all aspects of life will grow and the pace of innovation will accelerate. We know adversaries are determined to turn AI capabilities against us. We know a competitor is determined to surpass us in AI leadership. We know AI is accelerating breakthroughs in a wide array of fields. We know that whoever translates AI developments into applications first will have the advantage. Now we must act. The principles we establish, the federal investments we make, the national security applications we field, the organizations we redesign, the partnerships we forge, the coalitions we build, and the talent we cultivate will set Americas strategic course. The United States should invest what it takes to maintain its innovation leadership, to responsibly use AI to defend free people and free societies, and to advance the frontiers of science for the benefit of all humanity. AI is going to reorganize the world. America must lead the charge.
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