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Ionițua, C. C., & others. (2020). Adapting mosaic warfare specific capabilities to the new technological developments. Strategic Impact, 76(3), 22–34. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Ioniua2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Air Force, Autonomous systems, Big data, Cognitive Electronic Warfare, Command and control, Cyber, Decision making, Edge AI, Fog computing, Human decisionmaking, Internet of things, JADC2, Machine learning, Mosaic warfare, Networked forces, Neural nets, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Strategy, Systems theory, United States
Creators: Ionițua, others
Collection: Strategic Impact
Among the new concepts for conducting future military actions being developed by American military theorists and scientific researchers is the Mosaic Warfare, a strategy aimed at integrating Military Science and Art’s innovations and technological developments with the far behind operational doctrines and structural organisation. The new projects developed by the US Air Force in this context could radically change the way in which future wars are prepared and conducted. By using hightech innovations in robotics, Artificial Intelligence, nanotechnology and unmanned systems, cost-effective opportunities will be created to overwhelm the opponent, whilst multi-dimensional protection and loss of human lives among one’s own forces will be achieved. Therefore, this paper aims at presenting the developments achieved so far by the US Armed Forces to implement the concept of Mosaic Warfare.
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