AI Bibliography

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Khan, S. M. (2019). Maintaining the ai chip competitive advantage of the united states and its allies. Center for Security and Emerging Technology. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Khan2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Dutch, Germany, Japan, Machine learning, Military research, Nanotechnology, United States
Creators: Khan
Collection: Center for Security and Emerging Technology

The United States and its allies enjoy a competitive advantage in the production of artificial intelligence chips necessary for leading AI research and implementation.CSET has identified photolithography equipment as a key constraint in China’s ability to manufacture leading edge chips with feature sizes of 45 nanometers and below.Essential photolithography equipment is sold only by companies in the Netherlands and Japan, with related research and development in the United States. Coordinated export controls applied by these three countries on photolithography equipment— most importantly, steppers—could preserve U.S. and allied technological advantages and make China dependent for the near- to mid-range on imports of U.S. and allied chips for high-end AI applications.

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