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King, N., & Jones, A. (2021). An analysis of the potential for the formation of ‘nodes of persisting complexity’. Sustainability, 13(15), 8161. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: King2021
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Categories: Biological Science, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, General, Geopolitical, Mathematics, Military Science, Philosophy, Sociology
Subcategories: Chaos theory, Forecasting, Human decisionmaking, Social cognition, Social networks, Strategy, Systems theory
Creators: Jones, King
Collection: Sustainability
Human civilisation has undergone a continuous trajectory of rising sociopolitical complexity since its inception; a trend which has undergone a dramatic recent acceleration. This phenomenon has resulted in increasingly severe perturbation of the Earth System, manifesting recently as global-scale effects such as climate change. These effects create an increased risk of a global ‘de-complexification’ (collapse) event in which complexity could undergo widespread reversal. ‘Nodes of persisting complexity’ are geographical locations which may experience lesser effects from ‘de-complexification’ due to having ‘favourable starting conditions’ that may allow the retention of a degree of complexity. A shortlist of nations (New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Australia and Ireland) were identified and qualitatively analysed in detail to ascertain their potential to form ‘nodes of persisting complexity’ (New Zealand is identified as having the greatest potential). The analysis outputs are applied to identify insights for enhancing resilience to ‘de-complexification’.
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