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Holcomb, S. D., Porter, W. K., Ault, S. V., Mao, G., & Wang, J. 2018, Overview on deepmind and its alphago zero ai. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on big data and education. 
Resource type: Proceedings Article
BibTeX citation key: Holcomb2018
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, General, Mathematics, Military Science
Subcategories: Decision making, Deep learning, Game theory, Machine learning, Strategy
Creators: Ault, Holcomb, Mao, Porter, Wang
Collection: Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on big data and education
The goal of this paper is to give insight into what the company known as DeepMind is and what accomplishments it is making in the fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Among their accomplishments, particular focus will be placed upon the recent success of AlphaGo Zero which made waves in the machine learning and artificial intelligence communities. The various parts of AlphaGo Zero's implementation such as reinforcement learning, neural networks, and Monte Carlo Tree Searches will be explained with brevity to give better understanding of the process as a whole.
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