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Tokadli, G., Dorneich, M. C., & Matessa, M. (2021). Evaluation of playbook delegation approach in human-autonomy teaming for single pilot operations. International Journal of Human--Computer Interaction, 37(7), 703–716. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Tokadli2021
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Command and control, Decision making, Edge AI, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, Machine learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction
Creators: Dorneich, Matessa, Tokadli
Collection: International Journal of Human--Computer Interaction
A Playbook delegation approach was evaluated for human-autonomy teaming (HAT) in Single Pilot Operations (SPO). In SPO, a single pilot makes flight decisions, performs flight tasks, and collaborates with an autonomous teammate. The autonomous teammate shares responsibility, authority, and tasks. Challenges include the design of functions, interactions, and teaming skills. HAT often requires the ability to dynamically allocate functions, and timely methods to accurately express intent to teammates. A Playbook delegation interface was developed to enables the pilot to call and modify plays in collaboration with the autonomous teammate. Twenty pilots evaluated the Playbook interface to explore real-time function allocation, and identified teaming skills needed to support HAT. Pilots preferred the Playbook interface for better collaboration with the autonomous teammate. Interviews revealed that supporting human-like communication in HAT is critical to facilitate decision-making. Four major teaming skills (communication, coordination, cooperation, and cognition) are discussed to support HAT in SPO.
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