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Ole'sk'ow-Szlapka, J., Wojciechowski, H., Doma'nski, R., & Pawlowski, G. (2019). Logistics 4.0 maturity levels assessed based on gdm (grey decision model) and artificial intelligence in logistics 4.0-trends and future perspective. Procedia Manufacturing, 39, 1734–1742. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: OleskowSzlapka2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, General, Geopolitical, Mathematics, Philosophy
Subcategories: Chaos theory, China, Fog computing, Machine learning, Neurosymbolic, Systems theory
Creators: Doma'nski, Ole'sk'ow-Szlapka, Pawlowski, Wojciechowski
Collection: Procedia Manufacturing

The great interest of researchers and scientists is put to application of Artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial companies and there can be listed plenty articles related to AI and Industry 4.0. There is still little interest in Logistics 4.0 and AI, therefore, authors

can be listed plenty articles related to AI and Industry 4.0. There is still little interest in Logistics 4.0 and AI, therefore, authors recognize it as a potential research gap. In hereby paper author presents previously developed Logistics 4.0 maturity model and

recognize it as a potential research gap. In hereby paper author presents previously developed Logistics 4.0 maturity model and their original proposal to assess maturity levels by virtue of a grey decision model for a small sample size of companies. Moreover,

their original proposal to assess maturity levels by virtue of a grey decision model for a small sample size of companies. Moreover, paper discuss potential directions of evolution for AI and Logistics 4.0 as a result of undeniable changes in our environment.

paper discuss potential directions of evolution for AI and Logistics 4.0 as a result of undeniable changes in our environment.

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