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Schuck, T. M., Blasch, E., & Gagne, O. B. 2021, Information maneuverability and the transformation of the warfighting environment. Paper presented at 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100). 
Resource type: Proceedings Article
BibTeX citation key: Schuck2021
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Mathematics, Military Science
Subcategories: Air Force, Analytics, Augmented cognition, Big data, Chaos theory, Cognitive Electronic Warfare, Command and control, Decision making, Edge AI, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, JADC2, Machine learning, Military research, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Systems theory
Creators: Blasch, Gagne, Schuck
Collection: 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100)
Increasingly, modern conflicts will be fought in information space as opposed to a classically physical battlefield environment. The purpose of the paper is to show the parallels between emerging Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) and cyber warfare (CW) concepts aligned with the US military Third Offset Strategy and introduce new concepts and measures defined as information power and information maneuverability. Specifically, the paper presents an extension of the Col. John Boyd Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) process and his “Destruction and Creation” thesis where he originated “Energy-Maneuverability” (EM) theory towards information power and information maneuverability. There is a need to transition from physical entropy and specific energy to proposed information equivalents. This paper sets forth formulae that introduce the concepts of “strong” and “weak” information positions as compared to an adversary or competitor - hence “information maneuverability”. The paper asserts that the future force challenges of mitigating uncertainty and increasing the speed of command in complex environments cannot be won without superior agility and autonomy within the information domain.
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