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Walton, D., & Godden, D. M. (2014). The impact of argumentation on artificial intelligence. In Considering Pragma-Dialectics (pp. 287–299). Routledge. 
Resource type: Book Article
BibTeX citation key: Walton2014
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, General
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Decision making, Deep learning, Human decisionmaking, Machine learning
Creators: Godden, Walton
Publisher: Routledge
Collection: Considering Pragma-Dialectics
The research of the Amsterdam School has spread outward across the discipline of argumentation studies like a new day, awakening us to new vistas, casting light on new opportunities, and offering a fresh look at our familiar surroundings. When it first appeared, the pragma-dialectical approach challenged so many existing assumptions that is seemed almost radical, and entirely disrupted the established view. Yet over the years this approach has proved so remarkably effective that many of its central tenets have begun to be widely recognized and accepted. These tenets are even becoming a part of science, as they are increasingly adopted into the standard model of argument used in computing.
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