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Verheij, B. (2009). The toulmin argument model in artificial intelligence. In Argumentation in artificial intelligence (pp. 219–238). Springer. 
Resource type: Book Article
BibTeX citation key: Verheij2009
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, General, Law, Military Science, Philosophy
Subcategories: Decision making, Deep learning, Game theory, Human decisionmaking, Informatics, Machine learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Social cognition, Strategy, Systems theory
Creators: Verheij
Publisher: Springer
Collection: Argumentation in artificial intelligence

In 1958, Toulmin published The Uses of Argument. Although this anti-formalistic monograph initially received mixed reviews, it has become a classical text on argumen- tation, and the number of references to the book continues to grow. Also the field of Artificial Intelligence has discovered Toulmin’s work. Especially four of Toulmin’s themes have found follow-up in Artificial Intelligence.

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