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Curry, J., & Price, T. (2014). Matrix games for modern wargaming: Developments in professional and educational wargames innovations in wargaming-volume 2. History of Wargaming Project. 
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Curry2014
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Categories: Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Decision Theory, Education, General, Military Science, Sociology
Subcategories: Chaos theory, Doctrine, Game theory, Human decisionmaking, Human learning, Social networks, Strategy, Systems theory
Creators: Curry, Price
Publisher: History of Wargaming Project
In 'Matrix Games', knowledge, imagination, and persuasiveness dominate. Both the referee and the players find their greatest success by drawing on their storytelling skills. In many ways, Matrix Games boil down the art of gaming to its essence”. Peter Perla Invented by Chris Engle, Matrix Games are an innovative way of wargaming situations and conflicts that traditional wargaming methods find hard to model. This book was written as a manual to help develop and run matrix games about modern conflicts. The examples included have all been used for real military training to develop understanding of complex confrontations.
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