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Welser IV, W., Baiocchi, D., Osoba, O. A., & Steiner, C. E. (2017). Assessing the need for supercomputing resources within the pacific area of responsibility RAND Corporation. 
Resource type: Report/Documentation
BibTeX citation key: WelserIV2017
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Engineering, General
Subcategories: Big data, Cloud computing, Deep learning, Machine learning, Simulations
Creators: Baiocchi, Osoba, Steiner, Welser IV
Publisher: RAND Corporation
Located in Kihei on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the Maui High Performance Computing CenterMHPCC was established in 1993 as a center within the Department of Defenses DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program HPCMP. As one of the five HPCMP centers, MHPCCs primary mission is to provide computing cycles and other high performance computing HPC capabilities to DoDs research, development, test and evaluation RDT and Ecommunity. DoD scientists and engineers from around the world utilize MHPCCs hardware, software, and technical talent to develop and support war-fighting capabilities. Currently,MHPCCs largest machine, Riptide, represents 3 percent of the total computing cycles across the HPCMP enterprise in support of this broader mission.1 MHPCC is managed by the Directed Energy Directorate within the Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL, which oversees the sites annual operating budget of 14 million and supports about 50 personnel. In the fall 2014, Congress asked DoD to begin considering ways to cut about 45 million from the HPCMP so future fiscal years could be supported entirely by the Armys programmed budget of 183 million. Findings within this report are designed to provide AFRL decisionmakers with important context about potential future missions and use cases for MHPCC as Congress, the Army, and the HPCMP work toward a solution for resolving the budget gap.
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