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Laird, J. E., Lebiere, C., & Rosenbloom, P. S. (2017). A standard model of the mind: Toward a common computational framework across artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience, and robotics. AI Magazine, 38(4), 13–26. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Laird2017
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Neuroscience
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, Decision making, Neurosymbolic, Robotics
Creators: Laird, Lebiere, Rosenbloom
Collection: AI Magazine
The purpose of this article is to begin the process of engaging the international research community in developing what can be called a standard model of the mind, where the mind we have in mind here is human-like. The notion of a standard model has its roots in physics, where over more than a half-century the international community has developed and tested a standard model that combines much of what is known about particles. This model is assumed to be internally consistent, yet still have major gaps. Its function is to serve as a cumulative reference point for the field while also driving efforts to both extend and break it.
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