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Wylie Jr, J. (2014). Military strategy: A general theory of power control. Naval Institute Press. 
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: WylieJr2014
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Categories: Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Decision making, Situational cognition, Strategy, Systems theory, United Kingdom, United States
Creators: Wylie Jr
Publisher: Naval Institute Press

No military service can long remain effective without searching self-criticism and continuous re-examination of its own ideas. Wylie, well known in the Navy, is a refreshingly and outspoken individual, thoroughly at home on the bridge of a ship, but equally at home in the semantics of dialectical discussion. He has produced a simple but relevant little work in an attempt to promote order in the discussion of strategy. .To the traditional theories of strategy-the maritime theory, the air theory, the continental theory-Wylie adds the ‘Mao theory’ of wars of national liberation.

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