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Hart, B. L. (2008). Strategy: the indirect approach. Strategic Studies: A Reader, 82. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Hart2008
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Categories: Complexity Science, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Doctrine, Strategy, United Kingdom
Creators: Hart
Collection: Strategic Studies: A Reader

The second edition of Strategic Studies: A Reader brings together key essays on strategic theory by some of the leading contributors to the field. This revised volume contains several new essays and updated introductions to each section.

The volume comprises hard-to-find classics in the field as well as the latest scholarship. The aim is to provide students with a wide-ranging survey of the key issues in strategic studies, and to provide an introduction to the main ideas and themes in the field. The book contains six extensive sections, each of which is prefaced by a short introductory essay.

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