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Lindsay, J. R. (2022). Quantum computing and classical politics: The ambiguity of advantage in signals intelligence. In Cyber Security Politics (pp. 80–94). Routledge. 
Resource type: Book Article
BibTeX citation key: Lindsay2022
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Complexity Science, Computer Science, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Deep learning, Military research, Quantum computing, Simulations, Strategy
Creators: Lindsay
Publisher: Routledge
Collection: Cyber Security Politics
The discovery of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century transformed our
understanding of subatomic reality. A “second quantum revolution”
in the 21st century is poised to transform our ability to manipulate subatomic reality to process information. It is possible to perform calculations with quantum bits (qubits) that are practically infeasible with classical (digital)
bits. Potential applications of quantum computing may improve remote sensing,
data processing, and secure networking, all of which might affect global security.
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