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Kline, K., Salvo, M., & Johnson, D. (2019). How artificial intelligence and quantum computing are evolving cyber warfare. Cyber Intelligence Initiative, The Institute of World Politics. Mar. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Kline2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Data Sciences, General, Innovation, Military Science
Subcategories: Big data, Cyber, Machine learning, Military research, Quantum computing
Creators: Johnson, Kline, Salvo
Collection: Cyber Intelligence Initiative, The Institute of World Politics. Mar
In today’s technological age, there are many means by which one state can attack another state. The attack could be, not only by conventional military, economic, or political methods, but also through cyber operations. Due to the advancement of technology and the increase in innovation, cyberspace is another battlefield of boundless threats. The use of technology against another state is known as cyber warfare, and it poses critical risks to national security. Cyber warfare can involve an enemy state hacking or disabling another state’s critical infrastructure systems or tapping into an intelligence database to take and gain valuable information. Cyber warfare has become an existential threat to national security. As the advancements of technology grow, so will the rate of cyber warfare attacks. Artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing (QC) are two great enhancers of the cyber domain. Due to their capabilities, they have a substantial impact on cyber warfare, but could have an adverse effect and significantly increase the number and threat level of cyber-attacks in the future. It is in the best interest of the United States to take the lead in both functional areas of cyber warfare to establish global dominance within the digital domain. If the United States can establish dominance in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, it would greatly influence the technological playing field in which we are engaged.
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