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Conant, C. M., & VA, M. C. U. Q. (2019). 2030: Clausewitz fights a quantum adversary. MARINE CORPS UNIV QUANTICO VA. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Conant2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Command and control, Deep learning, Doctrine, Game theory, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Quantum computing, Strategy
Creators: Conant, VA
This paper analyzes how one might fight a future superior Quantum Adversary, using Clausewitzs nonlinear ideas of war, by focusing on two parts of his trinity chance and rational purpose. The thesis argues that quantum technology will significantly alter the characteristics of war, while the nature of war - defined as a fundamentally human endeavor - remains. Findings show that Clausewitz would focus on targeting the decision-maker and on centers of strength, as applied to a quantum adversary, through the integration of deception within both offensive and defensive strategies. Finally, findings show that the impact of quantum technologies may garner an expansion of joint warfighting, into whole-of-society approach.
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