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Fazekas, F. (2022). Application of artificial intelligence in military operations planning. Budapest Knowledge Portal. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Fazekas2022
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Big data, Chaos theory, Command and control, Decision making, Human decisionmaking, JADC2, Machine learning, Military research, Networked forces, Psychology of human-AI interaction
Creators: Fazekas
Collection: Budapest Knowledge Portal

The military operations planning is one of the major functions of military staffs. The increasing complexity of the contemporary operating environment requires new approach to the understanding of the situation and realisation of a viable plan. The aim of this paper is to scrutinise the potential usage of future Artificial Intelligence tools in the process of military operations planning. The main question is whether Artificial Intelligence in its current state can be applied in military operations planning. To answer this question the paper provides a short overview of military operations planning, a summary of military-related Artificial Intelligence research and existing solutions, then identify criteria and field of application for future Artificial Intelligence-driven tools. Analysing the topic gives some insight into this possible way of increasing the effectiveness of the planning groups, thus contributes to finding more effective solutions for emerging complex and comprehensive problems.


The military operations planning is one of the major functions of military staffs. The increasing complexity of the contemporary operating environment requires new approach to the understanding of the situation and realisation of a viable plan. The aim of this paper is to scrutinise the potential usage of future Artificial Intelligence tools in the process of military operations planning. The main question is whether Artificial Intelligence in its current state can be applied in military operations planning. To answer this question the paper provides a short overview of military operations planning, a summary of military-related Artificial Intelligence research and existing solutions, then identify criteria and field of application for future Artificial Intelligence-driven tools. Analysing the topic gives some insight into this possible way of increasing the effectiveness of the planning groups, thus contributes to finding more effective solutions for emerging complex and comprehensive problems.

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