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Wiesm"uller, S. (2023). A theoretical approximation to artificial intelligence as an autopoietic system. The Relational Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Forms and Interactions, 25–90. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Wiesmuller2023
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Ethics, General, Sociology
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, Decision making, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Social networks
Creators: Wiesm"uller
Collection: The Relational Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Forms and Interactions
This chapter presents the theoretical introduction of Artificial Intelligence to Relational Economics as a foundation for the subsequent conceptualising of its Relational Governance. Thus, my focus lies on developing a structural model for AI governance to address the correlation of ethical risks, the rising number of concerns about societal shifts, and consequential inequalities coming with its adoption. To achieve this objective, the model structurally integrates an ethical dimension, without, however, imposing one particular normative position. At this stage of the book, the context of fierce competition in the private sector, on the one hand, and the demand for AI governance, on the other hand, seemingly oppose one another. Additionally, the negative externalities perceivable in practice, which affect society in an unchecked manner, seem to demand a collaborative approach to prevent these effects from happening. Hence, this chapter aims to move from a problem-oriented perspective of traditional AI ethics research to a rather solution-oriented approach in AI governance, as recommended by, for example, Berendt (2019), Mittelstadt (2019), and Hagendorff (2020).
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