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Brockmeier, J. (2009). Reaching for meaning: Human agency and the narrative imagination. Theory & Psychology, 19(2), 213–233. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Brockmeier2009
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Categories: Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Decision Theory, General
Subcategories: Chaos theory, Human decisionmaking, Human learning, Situational cognition, Social cognition, Systems theory
Creators: Brockmeier
Collection: Theory & Psychology
In this paper I am exploring meaning and meaning constructions as forms of human agency. Drawing on notions of meaning, agency, and subjectivity by Jerome Bruner and Klaus Holzkamp, my discussion emphasizes the human potentials to act, choose, and imagine as integral to the human condition. Against the backdrop of this discussion, I am particularly interested in the meaning-making resources of language, especially, of two forms of language use. One is agentive discourse—the discourse of agency—because it brings to the fore the constructive dimension of language. The other is narrative, because it is the most complex and comprehensive construction site of human imagination. I suggest that narrative imagination plays a central role in probing and extending real and fictive scenarios of agency.
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