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Wrbouschek, M., & Slunecko, T. (2021). Liminal moods and sense-making under conditions of uncertainty. International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, 1(1), 142–161. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Wrbouschek2021
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Categories: Biological Science, Cognitive Science, Complexity Science, Decision Theory, General
Subcategories: Chaos theory, Human decisionmaking, Situational cognition, Social cognition, Systems theory
Creators: Slunecko, Wrbouschek
Collection: International Review of Theoretical Psychologies

Researchers have begun to recognize the importance of intuition and strategies of affectively grounded sense-making, specifically in the context of late modern societies which are characterized by high degrees of uncertainty, risk and rapidly changing environments. In fact, affectivity has been considered one of the most central features of today ́s permanently liminal forms of life. However, the roles of different varieties of affective experience have not yet been fully taken into consideration. Drawing from Gilbert Simondon ́s theory of individuation, we here focus on moods specifically and develop a theoretical perspective on how moods functionally contribute to situated sense-making under conditions of uncertainty. We thereby hope to contribute to solving some of the problems psychologists keep having with mood experiences. At the same time, we think that our approach will prove fruitful for studying processes of sense-making in undecided and open (social) environments.

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