AI Bibliography

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Kozma, R., Alippi, C., Choe, Y., & Morabito, F. C. (2018). Artificial intelligence in the age of neural networks and brain computing. Elsevier Science. 
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780128162507
BibTeX citation key: Kozma2018
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, General, Neuroscience
Subcategories: Deep learning, Machine learning
Creators: Alippi, Choe, Kozma, Morabito
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing demonstrates that existing disruptive implications and applications of AI is a development of the unique attributes of neural networks, mainly machine learning, distributed architectures, massive parallel processing, black-box inference, intrinsic nonlinearity and smart autonomous search engines. The book covers the major basic ideas of brain-like computing behind AI, provides a framework to deep learning, and launches novel and intriguing paradigms as future alternatives. The success of AI-based commercial products proposed by top industry leaders, such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Intel and Amazon can be interpreted using this book. 
  • Developed from the 30th anniversary of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) and the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
  • Authored by top experts, global field pioneers and researchers working on cutting-edge applications in signal processing, speech recognition, games, adaptive control and decision-making
  • Edited by high-level academics and researchers in intelligent systems and neural networks

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