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Gilboa, I. (2009). Theory of decision under uncertainty. Cambridge University Press. 
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780521741231
BibTeX citation key: Gilboa2009
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Categories: Cognitive Science, Decision Theory, General
Creators: Gilboa
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
This book describes the classical axiomatic theories of decision under uncertainty, as well as critiques thereof and alternative theories. It focuses on the meaning of probability, discussing some definitions and surveying their scope of applicability. The behavioral definition of subjective probability serves as a way to present the classical theories, culminating in Savage's theorem. The limitations of this result as a definition of probability lead to two directions - first, similar behavioral definitions of more general theories, such as non-additive probabilities and multiple priors, and second, cognitive derivations based on case-based techniques.
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