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Krishnan, A. (2016). Military neuroscience and the coming age of neurowarfare. Taylor & Francis. 
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781317096061
BibTeX citation key: Krishnan2016
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, General, Military Science, Neuroscience
Subcategories: Military research, Neural nets
Creators: Krishnan
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Krishnan describes military applications of neuroscience research and emerging neurotechnology with relevance to the conduct of armed conflict and law enforcement. This work builds upon literature by scholars such as Moreno and Giordano and fills an existing gap, not only in terms of reviewing available and future neurotechnologies and relevant applications, but by discussing how the military pursuit of these technologies fits into the overall strategic context. The first to sketch future neurowarfare by looking at its potentials as well as its inherent limitations, this book’s main theme is how military neuroscience will enhance and possibly transform both classical psychological operations and cyber warfare. Its core argument is that nonlethal strategies and tactics could become central to warfare in the first half of the twenty-first century. This creates both humanitarian opportunities in making war less bloody and burdensome as well as some unprecedented threats and dangers in terms of preserving freedom of thought and will in a coming age where minds can be manipulated with great precision.
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