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Benedikter, R., & Nowotny, V. (2013). China’s road ahead: Problems, questions, perspectives. Springer New York. 
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781461493631
BibTeX citation key: Benedikter2013
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Categories: General, Geopolitical, Military Science, Sociology
Subcategories: China, Strategy
Creators: Benedikter, Nowotny
Publisher: Springer New York
This book provides a critical commentary on China's situation and future outlook from the perspective of the 2012-13 generational power transfer. In this power transfer, taking place against the background of an increasingly unstable domestic situation, an apparently outstandingly successful generation of “half-communist” leaders, recently increasingly plagued by scandal, transferred responsibility to a generation confronted by mixed expectations and factional in-fighting. Many international observers doubt that the new leadership will have the will or the power to introduce serious reforms in a country that reports 100,000 riots involving more than 500 persons in public areas per year. The China of 2013 seems to be in the midst of a transition seldom seen since the 1970s. The question is if the resulting hope expressed by Chinese dissidents and Western leaders for a “necessary” development of China's still largely autocratic system towards a kind of context-adequate democracy is plausible or not. Featuring incisive commentary by the authors and interviews with experts on the region’s political economy, the volume addresses such timely questions as: Should “rapid democratization” of China be the strategic goal of the West or rather a step-by-step approach towards the “rule of law“ first, and “illiberal democracy” to follow? Should the West be more worried about a thriving China, or a China in crisis? Will China’s success contribute to the success of the global community and the world order system, or be a threat to it? What can the West do to help China develop more participatory and inclusive approaches in order to secure social stability? And how can the West strengthen its democratic allies on China’s borders?
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