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Messelken, D., & Winkler, D. (2020). Ethics of medical innovation, experimentation, and enhancement in military and humanitarian contexts. Springer International Publishing. 
Resource type: Book
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9783030363192
BibTeX citation key: Messelken2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Biological Science, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Ethics, General, Military Science, Philosophy
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Military research, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Synthetic intelligence
Creators: Messelken, Winkler
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
This book discusses ethical questions surrounding research and innovation in military and humanitarian contexts. It focuses on human enhancement in the military. Recently, the availability of medical enhancement designed to make soldiers more capable of surviving during conflict, as well as enabling them to defeat their enemies, has emerged. Innovation and medical research in military and humanitarian contexts may thus yield positive effects, but simultaneously leads to a number of highly problematic ethical issues. 

The work contains contributions on medical ethics that take into account the specific roles and obligations of military and humanitarian health care providers and the ethical problems they encounter. They cover different aspects of research and innovation such as vaccine development, medical enhancement, compassionate and experimental drug use, research and application of new technologies such as wearables, “Humanitarian innovation” to cope with scarce resources, Biometrics, big data, etc.The book is of interest and importance to researchers and policy makers involved with human enhancement, medical research, and innovation in military and humanitarian missions.

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