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De Swarte, T., Boufous, O., & Escalle, P. (2019). Artificial intelligence, ethics and human values The cases of military drones and companion robots. Artificial Life and Robotics, 24(3), 291–296. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: DeSwarte2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering, Ethics, General, Medical science, Military Science
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, Machine intelligence, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Robotics
Creators: Boufous, De Swarte, Escalle
Collection: Artificial Life and Robotics
Can artificial intelligence (AI) be more ethical than human intelligence? Can it respect human values better than a human? This article examines some issues raised by the AI with respect to ethics. The utilitarian approach can be a solution, especially the one that uses agent-based theory. We have chosen two extreme cases: combat drones, vectors of death, and life supporting companion robots. The ethics of AI and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) must be studied on the basis of military ethics and human values when fighting. Despite the fact that they are not programmed to hurt humans or harm their dignity, companion robots can potentially endanger their social, moral as well as their physical integrity. An important ethical condition is that companion robots help the nursing staff to take better care of patients while not replacing them.
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