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Kania, E. B. (2018). New frontiers of chinese defense innovation: Artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. SITC Research Briefs, (2018-12). 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Kania2018a
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, China, Cyber, JADC2, Machine intelligence, Military research, Quantum computing, Strategy, United States
Creators: Kania
Collection: SITC Research Briefs
Will the Chinese military succeed in advancing new frontiers of defense innovation? China has already emerged as a powerhouse in artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. The continued advances in these dual-use technologies may be leveraged for military applications pursuant to a national strategy of military-civil fusion. At this point, the trajectory of technological developments is uncertain, and considerable challenges remain to the actualization of deeper fusion of China’s defense and commercial sectors. However, if successful, China’s ambitions to lead in these strategic technologies could enable it to pioneer new paradigms of military power.
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