AI Bibliography

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Schubert, J., Brynielsson, J., Nilsson, M., & Svenmarck, P. 2018, Artificial intelligence for decision support in command and control systems. Paper presented at 23rd International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium “Multi-Domain C. 
Resource type: Proceedings Article
BibTeX citation key: Schubert2018
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Command and control, Decision making, Doctrine, JADC2, Military research, Mosaic warfare, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Strategy
Creators: Brynielsson, Nilsson, Schubert, Svenmarck
Collection: 23rd International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium “Multi-Domain C

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligent behavior displayed by machines. In everyday terms, the term AI is used when machines mimic the cognitive functions that people associate with learning and problem solving. The key issues within AI include reasoning, planning, and learning. In military applications, AI becomes increasingly important in systems used at different military levels, from the combat level to tactical and operational levels. This development has led to decision support systems being used at the battalion and brigade levels. Based on empirical data gathered through structured user-centered activities involving military personnel, this study investigates how AI may be used in command and control systems. We study its use in the intelligence and operations processes. We discuss how AI methods can be used for decision support for processes that provide a common operational picture, use threat analysis to predict enemy actions, and analyze own forces’ alternative actions before execution. We conclude that the benefit of AI for the armed forces is that it can deliver critical system support when time is limited or when the number of choices is too large for people to be able to analyze all alternatives. We believe that the side that successfully implements AI in its command and control system can become the best and fastest at analyzing information and as a result can make quicker decisions and gain an operational advantage over its opponent.

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