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Jontz, S. (2017). Rethinking cognition: ai and machine learning are shaping the u.s. military’s decision-making processes. Signal, 72(1), 28–30. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Jontz2017
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Military Science
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Big data, Command and control, Deep learning, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, Human learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction
Keywords: Military; Datasets; Success; Automation; Artificial intelligence; Armed forces; Decision making; Cognition; Robotics; United States--US; China; Russia
Creators: Jontz
Collection: Signal
The Army's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) has piggybacked on the offset's momentum by producing the Automated Planning Framework (APF) prototype, which allows commanders and staff to analyze the military decision-making process. Saving money-and securing military prominence-also underpins the Defense Department's overhaul of its lengthy acquisition process, offers Judson Walker, Brocade's worldwide system engineering director, switching, routing and analytics. The Defense Department is using open source software from StackStorm, a startup that built software for automating data center operations and was bought by Brocade.
Copyright - Copyright Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Sep 2017; Last updated - 2017-09-21; SubjectsTermNotLitGenreText - China; Russia; United States--US
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